Online Safety Management System
The problem
Many companies find dealing with their H&S obligations complicated and therefore stressful, to the extent that they bury their head in the sand often compounding the issue in the event of client requests for information such as policies, risk assessments, management records etc or worse still in the event of an accident.
This is mainly due to the fact they are a bit lost as to where to start or how to implement a safety management system or carry out risk assessments. Without in-house expertise this can indeed seem a daunting task, however there is a solution.
At Safetynet we help countless clients deal with these exact problems, implementing simple and easy to manage systems that can be carried out by non-qualified staff.
A large part of this solution is our unique Online Safety Management System designed as a desktop, one-stop-shop for all your safety activity and documentation.
This unique system makes the day to day management of H&S easy and efficient by detailing all the areas of non-compliance within your business, the recommendations required to put these right and a timeframe in which to do it.