Why You Should Consider A Fire Extinguisher Stand
19 Oct 2022

Why You Should Consider A Fire Extinguisher Stand

It’s a requirement to have fire extinguishers in your business, in case of a fire breaking out. However, hanging them on a wall can come with a surprising number of requirements, from where they are placed to how they are placed, which can mean you need to plan your space out around them. When it comes to fire extinguishers, you should treat them like any other piece of important furniture. Many people will automatically think to just hang one on a wall, however we are going to tell you, why you should consider a fire extinguisher stand instead.

Reasons To Consider A Fire Extinguisher Stand

Damage Free

It’s important to remember, fire extinguishers aren’t light and are quite heavy which means they will need a significant mount to attach them to the wall, which can leave some damage when removing them. If you’re renting a property and are wanting to limit the damage to the walls, then a fire extinguisher stand could be the best option for you. We also guarantee that when your fire extinguisher is on the wall it will constantly be knocked, which will eventually loosen the brackets as well. By having your extinguishers on a stand, they will be clearly identified and kept secure in position.


One of the great things about fire extinguisher stands is they can easily be moved, which means if you reconfigure the layout of your business, then they can easily be moved as well. No matter what the flow of your business or what space you have available, fire extinguisher stands are versatile and will fit into a range of spaces easily.


It’s important to remember, your fire extinguisher is there to provide a function. Your fire extinguisher shouldn’t be hidden in a cupboard or used as a prop to hold a door open. Treating your fire extinguisher like this will mean it’s less likely to be where you need it, when you need it. By putting your fire extinguisher on a stand, it will be where it needs to be when you need it and will ensure it isn’t mistreated.


Fire extinguisher stands are much easier to spot in an emergency, so should a fire break out, you can locate it quickly and use the correct one as the labels will be much more clear. The British Standard BS5306 Part 8:2012 states that extinguishers should be mounted with the handle a specific distance from the ground, depending on the overall weight of the extinguisher, but this isn’t always easy to achieve as every wall is different; from the window heights, to the strength of the walls. By using a stand instead, the height regulations don’t stand as they automatically provide the best visibility for fire extinguishers.

Getting Help With Fire Safety

If you need help with your fire safety for your workplace, then we can help. At Safetynet Scotland, we offer a wide range of fire safety services to help you better manage your businesses fire safety. From training to fire risk assessments and much more, we have you covered. Just contact us today for more information.